Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Packers Make a Statement, Rodgers is Still Rodgers, But What is the Feeling of the Average Packer Fan

 OK, I have been LAZY.  I have been APATHETIC!  I have been UNINSPIRED! This senior citizen is suffering from change and the NFL is moving in their own direction.  First, the game!

Green Bay Packers 30 - San Fransisco 28

I did not watch, I DVR'd it.  But, in todays world, my Packer Buddies texted me, called me..... And, as I slept, the Packers won on the "Golden Leg" of Mason Crosby!  I woke up, checked my phone, and missed a cool ending!  In the mean time, I have watched & dissected the first have.  Watch are my observations?

1 - Aaron Rodgers is still Aaron Rodgers.

2 - Young Offensive Line shows promise!

3 - Our Packer Defense is STILL our Packer Defense, BUT a sin of hope?

4 - Special Teams STILL an issue.

5 - The NFC North is weaker.

First our QB.  Aaron Rodgers is still playing!  There is NO QUESTION, he is still one of the NFL's best.  Will he stay focused, or when Halloween comes, and he assumes the character that is long hair demands, will he....... "TRICK OR TREAT?"

The young offensive line really looked promising!  Without our two BEST lineman - Bakhtiari & Jenkins, they played a very good game! Here were the starters:

LT-Yosh Nijman-Year 2,   LG-Jon Runyon-Year 2,    C-Josh Myers-Year Rookie,    RG-Royce Newman-Year Rookie,    RT-Billy Turner-Year 8

That is a VERY YOUNG Offensive Line!  And, they held there OWN!

Defense still seems weak in the front seven! We miss Z Smith and Kenny Clark still needs HELP!!  On the positive side, this secondary could be special!  Alexander at corner & Savage at safety show signs of being top players for many years.  Stokes the rookie replacing our beloved Kevin King, is a player. And, the old pro, Amos, is better than average!  

That Kickoff Return just before halftime could have been a killer!!!  THAT CANNOT HAPPEN!!!!

The Bears, the Lions and the Vikings seem to be struggling!  Keep a close eye on their games the next few weeks!

So, at 2 wins & 1 loss the Packers are in a good place with a shaky Steelers team coming to Lambeau!

Go Pack Go!

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Old Football, New Football Players & How the Game Has Changed?

 One thing about aging is you remember what things were back when....... 

I remember when, a player made a good play and there was not 10 minute celebration!

I remember when, there was ONE National Anthem!

I remember when, players received their football salary, then got a part time job in the off season!

I remember when players played & management made team decisions!

I remember when, Friday night was high school football, Saturday was college football, and Sunday was Professional football!

I remember when, there was NO plays under review & you lived with good calls & bad calls!

I remember when, there were NO Wild Card teams & No teams in the playoffs with crappy records!

I remember when, football was a game & NOT a show!

Sunday, September 12, 2021

Packers Lay an Egg in Week One! 38-3 Loss to the New Orleans Saints!

 Wow!  Two years, each with a record of 13 wins & 3 losses.  What would 2021 look like!

NFL MVP - Aaron Rodgers BACK! (Kind of)

New Defensive Coordinator!

3rd year in the LaFleur system!

Davante Adams, one of the leagues BEST receivers!

Aaron Jones - one of the leagues BEST running backs!

New draft choices to bring new blood!

What do we get ..........................................


So, first thoughts......

1 - Aaron Rodgers Hangover!  Have you seen him lately?  Looks like he should be surfing & smoking some weed.  "Surfs Up Dude"  Is he really into this year?????  Is Aaron a Cancer on this Team??

2 - New Defensive Coordinator?  Looks like same Packer Defense!

So, hopefully I am wrong!  Luckily, looks like the NFC North may be the new NFC East from last year?

Thursday, September 9, 2021

NFL Season Begins! Bucs vs Cowboys!

 Did you ever want both team to lose?  Tonight I do.  I hope for a tie, Bucs 27 - Cowboys 27!  The Cowboys are behind in the 4th quarter by 7, Brady throws a pick 6 to the Cowboys and the game ends in a tie!  The overtime goes scoreless & tie game!  Since both teams cannot lose, let's have a tie!  

Packer Fans, the Packers in Jacksonville, playing the Saints!

FIRST - Thoughts & prayers to all the folks in Louisiana and New Orleans!  Build back stronger & better!

Now the game:

1 - Turnover Battle - Pack needs to win this! Usually, the Saints QB, James Winston is a turnover machine!  Will Z Smith play?  Will Kenny Clark get some help from the rest of the D-line to pressure the QB?  Will our #1 draft pick, Stokes play and look like a #1 draft pick?

2 - Offense weapons - Davante Adams, Aaron Jones & AJ Dillon, Robert Tonyan, Lazard & MVS, rookie Amari Rodgers.... a lot of choices!  But, offensive line MUST hold up!  Rookies, center & left guard, Josh Myers & Royce Newman!

3 - What will the character of this team be this year!  Watch closely!!

My prediction:

Packers 27 - Saints 14

Breaking Down the Packer Roster by Position

 88 Players, room for TWO more to complete the 90 man NFL limit per team.  This will change. Still out there, 3 big names.  Mercedes Lewis o...