Wednesday, May 25, 2016

June, July, and August - How Will The Packers Roster Shake Out?

Here we go!  Speculation!  Interviews!  OTA's!  Practice!  Injuries!  Pre-Season Games! And the NFL Teams & the Packers need to go from 90 players to 53 players!  And 10 practice squad.  Out of the 53, we know ONE - Aaron Rodgers!  And, each week, I will predict a few more!  What did we learn this week?

Mike McCarthy

What does Coach say?  Coach McCarthy - May 24th Interview

Installations!  Eddie Lacy.  Jared Cook.  Jordy Nelson.  Danone Jones.

Larry McCarren

Larry McCarren (Click here for interview) is a believable person.  Why?
He played the game.  And he WAS a Packer!

Eddie Lacy IS lighter.

Josh Sitton is lighter.  Lighter weight easier on back & joints!Eddie

Jordy Nelson. Limited!

Passing Game - Jared Cook?  "Looks and moves like an athlete."

And - Clay Matthews is an outside linebacker!

Eddie Lacy

Eddie Lacy interview. (Click Here)  How do you take criticism?  Especially, if you have been called out in front of millions of people?  One thing I know, Eddie Lacy handles it well!    No excuses, no blaming others.  Season ends, Eddie went to work!  Only time will tell, BUT I like what I see & hear!

Aaron Rodgers

Aaron Rodgers Interview!  What do we take from this?  He mentions Jordy Nelson right away!
He is in good shape & knee is fine.  The NEW guys - receivers - SPEED!  Fun to meet new guys!  Installs!  Cut back in training camp, NO double days!  Practice is different!

Changes in offense!  What we that look like?  What does Eddie look like?  Jared Cook?  Tight end coach!  Cook & Richard Rodgers

Jeff Janis - WOW!  Of all the stories, this one will NOT go away!  Every NFL team has Drama - this is the Packer's Drama.  I really think this season will be the BIG decision!  Will he be on the 53 man roster or cut?  Time will tell!!

Jordy Nelson - we need to work together & get back on the same page!

New guys on the team - need to see how responds to being pushed, talked to, everyone is different!  They need to see "How I see the game!"

Josh Sitton weight loss?  A contract year and getting married & needs to look good for the wedding!!!

The season will be here before you know it!

Who will be part of the 53?????

Saturday, May 21, 2016

90 Man Roster Takes Shape!

Just finished counting and the Packer Roster is up to 90.  And the free agents of the Packers are still out there, and MAY stay there:

Brett Goode
James Jones
John Kuhn
Mike Neal
Andrew Quarless
Sean Richardson

Each of these players have contributed over the past few years, but the end seems to be certain for all 6 of the players.  Sean Richardson had been a great back-up defensive back & a huge contributor on special teams.  He has had some health issues and the Packers Roster is deep in the secondary!  So, farewell Sean Richardson!

Andrew Quarless has made some big catches over the years, but has not been a replacement for the departed Jermichael Finley.  Also, lately Quarless has made some bad decisions off the field!  That makes him easy to let go!  Again, at least of the field, Quarless has played hard & contributed to the Packer success!

Mike Neal has been a starter at times and a dependable back up at the line backer position.  He has given 7 good years, with injuries holding him back early in his career.  Played a lot of minutes on defense and made some big plays over the years.  Thanks for the effort Mike!

James Jones!  He left the Packers and came back next year when Jordy went down!  He did a great job early in the season!  James has always been a class act & a BIG contributor the past 10 years!  Yes, ten years is a long NFL career!  Thank you James Jones!  You will be missed!!!

Brett Goode.  Long snapper for 9 years!  That is a lot of punts & field goals!  And, you know what?  I cannot remember a lot of bad snaps!  With his injury last year, Rick Lovato came in and seemed to do a great job!  So, as long snappers go, the time is now!  Thanks for the dependable snaps!

And last, but NOT LEAST John Kuhn!  This one is difficult!  Kuuuuuuuuuuuuhn will be missed!  Dependable - YES.  Big plays - YES!  Aaron Rodgers security blanket - YES.  Community following - YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!  A true professional!  John Kuhn will be missed, BUT not forgotten!

This is a good group of players!  NOT GREAT, but good!  Bring on the youth!

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Important NFL Dates

May 20-23: NFLPA Rookie Premiere. Invited Rookies (typically, first and/or second-round selections) must be permitted by their respective clubs to attend. Such players are unavailable for offseason workouts, OTA days, and minicamps during this period. 
May 23-25: NFL Spring League Meeting, Charlotte, North Carolina. 
June 1: Deadline for prior club to send "June 1 Tender" to its unsigned Restricted Free Agents who received a qualifying offer for a Right of First Refusal Only in order for such player to be subject to the CBA's "June 15 Tender" provision. 
For any player removed from the club's roster or whose contract is assigned via waivers or trade on or after June 2, any unamortized signing bonus amounts for future years will be included fully in Team Salary at the start of the 2017 League Year.
June 19-25: Rookie Symposium, Aurora, Ohio. 
July 15: At 4 p.m. ET, deadline for any club that designated a Franchise Player to sign such player to a multiyear contract or extension. After this date, the player may sign only a one-year contract with his prior club for the 2016 season, and such contract cannot be extended until after the club's last regular season game.
Mid-July: Training camps open. Clubs are permitted to open preseason training camp for rookies and first-year players beginning seven days prior to the club's earliest permissible mandatory reporting date for veteran players. Veteran players (defined as a player with at least one pension-credited season) other than quarterbacks or injured players may report to a club's preseason training camp no earlier than 15 days prior to the club's first scheduled preseason game or July 15, whichever is later.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Packer Are Still Juggling the 90 Man Roster!

It is May 10th, 2016.  The Packers are still working on the 90 man roster and here is the latest:

Marwin Evans - Safety

Jason Spriggs - Offensive Tackle
Casey Pierce - Tight End
Demetris Anderson - Defensive Tackle
Brandon Burks - Running Back
Kyle Murphy - Offensive Tackle
Alstevis Squirewell - Fullback
Cory Tucker - Offensive Guard

Josh Boyd - Defensive Tackle
William Campbell - Defensive Tackle
David Grinnage - Tight End
Dennis Parks - Wide Receiver
Jeremy Vujnovich - Offensive Tackle

The latest moves are telling us something!  First, the Fullback position? I am afraid, yes I hate to say this, we may not see Kuuuuuuuuhn back in 2016!  First, I need ti explain!

John Kuhn married a lovely young lady, Lindsay.  This young lady was my neighbor!  Growing up, she loved across the street!  Later, she move to a rival high & competed against my high school in track & field!  (Remember, the Packer Buddies, are retired track & field coaches!)  Lindsay met John Kuhn at Shippensburg and later married! I was at the wedding!  As you see, the Packers Buddies have a special place in their heart for the Kuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhn Family!  Whatever happens,
John Kuhn, left his mark on the Green Bay Packers and the Packer community!

It seems the Packers are moving on.  On the roster is Ripkowski & Squirewell, Kuhn is still a free agent.  Be prepared for a change!

At defensive tackle, releasing Josh Boyd?  Was a little surprised!  With Raji retired, and Pennell suspended for the first 4 games, the Packers have only Daniels & Guion with any game experience for the big men!  That ain't good!  (I would keep Raji's member on speed dial!)

Tight End - another position that is like an anchor dragging the offense the past few years!  Looks like Quarless, a free agent is history!  As I mentioned in an earlier blog post, Jared Cook is a great pick up!  And Richard Rodgers is good, but not great.  The rest of the roster - Perillo, Backman, and newcomers Hunter & Pierce are unknowns!

So, time marches on!  What will the final 53 look like?  One thing is for sure, the Final 53 man roster we bill different than last year!

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Packer Roster Now at 88!

OK, we have signed 19 un-drafted free agents.  Here is what the Packer Roster looks like now:

So, here is the breakdown of new faces:

Offense: (9)
QB - Joe Callahan - 6'1" - 216 - Wesley
RB - Don Jackson - 5'10" - 208 - Nevada
WR - Dennis Parks - 6'1 - 201 - Rice
WR - DeVonte Robinson - 6'1" - 188 - Utah State
WR - Herb Waters - 6' - 188 - Miami
WR - Geronimo Allison - 6'3" - 202 - Illinois
TE - Davis Grinnage - 6'5" 255 - NC State
OT - Josh James - 6'5" - 315 - Carroll
C - Jacob Flores - 6'3" - 300 - Dartmouth

Defense: (9)
S - Kentrell Brice - 5'11" - 200 - Louisiana Tech
CB - Randall Jette - 5'11" - 193 - Massachusetts
CB - Makinton Dorleant - 5'11 - 182 - N. Iowa
CB - Josh Hawkins - 5'10" - 189 - E. Carolina
LB - Reggie Gilbert - 6'3" - 261 - Arizona
LB - Manoe Pikula - 6'1" - 234 - BYU
LB - Beniquez Brown - 6'1" - 236 - Miss St
DT - Tyler Kuder - 6'3" - 307 - Idaho St
DT - Brian Price - 6'3" - 318 - Texas San Antonio

Special Teams: (1)
P - Peter Mortell - 5'11 - 203 - Minnesota

Friday, May 6, 2016

Packers Rookies Practice! Like What I See!

If you follow my blog, you know I watch every video on the Packer Website!  The latest videos of the new rookie class are VERY revealing!  Have a look & listen!

First, a few videos of some of the practices this week!

Larry McCarren looks at Rookie Practices (Click Here)

More Rookie Practice Highlights (Click Here)

Draft Pick Round 6 - OT - Kyle Murphy (Click Here)

Draft Pick Round 4 - ILB - Blake Martinez (Click Here)

Draft Pick Round 3 - OLB Kyler Fackrell (Click Here)

Draft Pick Round 4 (second pick) - DE - Dean Lowry (Click Here)

Draft Pick Round 2 - OT - Jason Spriggs (Click Here)

Draft Pick Round 1 - DT - Kenny Clark (Click Here)

Draft Pick Round 5 - WR Trevor Davis (Click Here)

Well, what do you think?  Did you watch all the videos?

First impressions?

1 - Well spoken, intelligent, maturity, and focused!  I do not know what will happen when the
pads start cracking, but I enjoyed the first interviews!

2 - Did you see the locker rooms & the names on the lockers?  Rookies mixed right in with veterans!
Some of the players discussed it!  Great idea!

3 - Green Bay Comments?  The history, the tradition, AND the people!

Key players?  Love what I see in Blake Martinez & his chances at Inside Linebacker!  With all the offensive line free agents next year (2017), like what I see in Spriggs & Murphy!  And, come on Kenny Clark!  Defensive Tackle!  If he is anything like our Mike Daniels - LOVE IT!

By the way, check out the Mike Daniels video (Click Here!)

He is becoming my favorite Packer!

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Packer 2016 Roster Taking Shape!

Packers 2016 Roster - 75 players!

Now we go after, undrafted players!  Remember, a few of these undrafted players make the team every year and some of these players, become starters!

Remember, the players in light brown - Kuhn, Richardson, Jones, Neal, Quarless, & Goode, are all free agents that have not been signed.  Most of these players, I think, are history!  Here is why!

Richardson, injured his neck, I think he is finished.
Neal, had the opportunities, with younger-cheaper players, Bye Bye!
Goode, long snapper, for a lot of year, hurt last year - new guy, Lovato, cheaper & younger!
Jones, was a big help early lat year, but not so much at the end! And, we have a BUNCH of receivers!
Quarless, stupid off season moves, was injured, and never was a threat, so long!
But, Kuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhn, come on back - PLEASE!  One more year! (Let Ripkowki tutor one more!)

Look at the roster, and add 15 or more names, and we eventually get to 53, plus 10 practice squad!

Will this be our year?

Breaking Down the Packer Roster by Position

 88 Players, room for TWO more to complete the 90 man NFL limit per team.  This will change. Still out there, 3 big names.  Mercedes Lewis o...