Sunday, December 15, 2013

From Christmas Carol to A 37-36 Packer Win!

What do you do when your team is playing like crap?

I turned the channel to the Christmas Carol, opened my computer and listened to the Packers Radio!


Packers comeback and beat the Cowboys!!!!

So, for the rest of the season it is Packer Radio for me!!!  And radio is another way to enjoy your team!!

Well, in the Christmas Carol, you know it is Scrooge!  Today Jerry Jones was Scrooge! (And for all you Cowboy fans, I think Jerry Jones is a perfect Scrooge!)

At halftime Jerry Jones took a nap and was visited by the Packer Ghost from Christmas Past - Vince Lombardi & the Ice Bowl!!!!!  Jerry was scared!!!

And then the ghost of Christmas Present, Dez Bryant!  Jerry has Dez & Dez has Jerry!  That should scare any Cowboy fan!  But it just makes Packer fans smile!!!

And then, The ghost of Christmas Future!  At halftime Aaron Rogers entered the body of Matt Flynn & WHAMP!!!  A Packer comeback for the ages!  Packers Win 37-36!

A "Packer" Christmas Carol!  A new Christmas Present for all my Packer Buddies!!!

Scrooge & Jerry Jones!!!!  The same?

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