Saturday, January 18, 2014

Packer 2014 Free Agents! Who Would You Sign?

OK, fellow Packer Stockholders.  Here is the list of Packer Free Agents for 2014!!  Who would you keep? (To see a clear image, click on the

Here is my keeper list!  Do you agree?  If not, what would you do different?
Matt Flynn
James Starks
John Kuhn
James Jones
Jermichael Finley (one year only)
Andrew Quarless
Evan Dietrich-Smith
Johnny Jolly
Mike Neal
Robert Francois
Sam Shields

Now, let's divide the list into pay and not pay.  Pay would be they get a nice raise & not pay, they would get a minimum raise.  Here we go……

Pay - (give a nice raise)
James Starks - stayed healthy this year & is a great complement to Lacy!  He style of running is NFL tough, and provides a spark when he comes into the game!

John Kuhn - what can you say about John Kuhn?  The fans say it best, Kuuuuuuuhn!   He is a leader, protects Rogers in the pocket, provides special teams help, and is a coach on the field!  )Plus, his wife is awesome! - That is a Packer Buddies group opinion!) Another "community guy!"

James Jones - another leader.  He is the Packer "tough" receiver!  Every team needs one!  Big & strong, makes the difficult catches!  He is also a great leader & community guy!

Sam Shields - our "cover" corner!  This is the one guy I think we MUST keep!

Not Pay - (give a minimal raise)
Matt Flynn - many teams passed on him.  Should sign at a good price!

Jermichael Finley (one year only)  - we can only trust one year!  His injury was to scary to trust to a long contract!

Andrew Quarless - I think filled in well when Finley went down!  Can block & catch!  But, he is not a game changing tight end.  But he is the best we have on the roster.  Many throw in a little more $$$

Evan Dietrich-Smith - Was very steady and had a good season!  BUT, again this is a money thing.  And we are beginning to develop some depth in the offensive line!  It all comes down to $$$$

Johnny Jolly - another injury thing (neck!)  I loved the passion & leadership!  And I think helped as a run stopper!!  Would not go crazy, but would like to have him back in 2014!

Mike Neal - injuries scare me!  Was fairly healthy this year & tried his best at the OLB & DE mix.  Not a game changer & I think he is a better DE.

Robert Francois - injured most of the season, but I think one of our better back-up linebackers!  Can not spend a lot on him!

Of course, while I'm signing free agents, I would look at the present contracts and see who would re-negotiate.  My speech would start by saying, "We are trying to win a Super Bowl here in Green Bay, BUT, we have a CAP LIMIT!

Next, a look at other team free agents!

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