Thursday, March 13, 2014

3 Days Into NFL Free Agents 2014 - Packers Stay In-house!

Well, the good news - Pack signed 3 free agents!  Bad news, all are Packers, no fresh blood!

Here is what is left on the Packer Roster:

Shields, Neal, & Quarless all signed & still $$$ left to spend!  What does this mean so far?

Shields - Needed to keep Shield to cover those SPEED receivers & Williams & Hayward are also good corners!  We still need safeties!

Neal - Was very versatile last year, playing DE & LB!  Also, stayed healthy & he knows the system.

Quarless - played well when Finley went down.  Seems to have recovered from injury and again knows the offense & Rogers!  This signing may be bye-bye to Finley!

I would love one outside the Packer organization signing from another team - good leadership, help on defense, and a hitter?  Jared Allen?

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