Saturday, March 28, 2015

A Look At The Packers On March 28th, 2015

This week?  Signed -------  get ready for this ----------- Kyle Sebetic!!!!


Could be a great kid, but Packers are still the only NFL team NOT to sign a free agent from another team!  And they now sit at #6 as far as salary cap money left to spend this year!  - $21, 887, 895. That is good for this year!  Maybe the reason is not this year, but the next two years !

 Check out years 2016 and 2017, as far as cap space.

As an example, in 2016 the Packers are #1 in spending!!!!  See Below!

And in 2017..... the Pack sits at #3

The Pack has a lot of money already spent!  So, the Pack will not be able to sign a lot of big
names the next few years, money is already spent!!!  Again, check out this website:

Team Cap Tracker!  A great web site for ALL sports!!!!

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