Thursday, November 1, 2018

Packers - Patriots 2018! The Game After The Drama!

If you are a true Packer Fan, the last few years have had a lot of DRAMA!

Missed opportunities, BIG injuries, coaching changes, general manager changes, ...........

Does this look like a team that REALLY knows what it is doing???????

In my eyes, NO!

What is the CONSTANT!  Aaron Rodgers!  As I have constantly blogged - Aaron Rodgers has covered up a LOT of Packer miss-steps!

Bad Draft Picks!

Bad Play Calling!

Poor Defense!

The beauty of the NFL is you really NEVER KNOW!  I choose to take the HIGH ROAD!

1 - We still have Aaron!

2 - Our D-backs are looking better & the DRAMA QUEEN Clinton-Dixx is gone!

3 - Our running game!  Aaron Jones is the MAN!  Finally!  Another DRAMA QUEEN
Ty Montgomery is gone!

4 - Young receivers are beginning to figure out how to make Aaron Rodgers TRUST them!

5 - We have been CLOSE!!!  Vikings tie!  Rams Fumble!  Crosby Misses!

So, let the PUSH begin!!!!


Packers over Patriots!!!!

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