Sunday, August 8, 2021

Packers 2021 Roster - Defensive Line

 I have always been a big believer in the "Big Boys" on a football team.  The offensive line, once we get Bakhtiari back, is strong.  The last few years, I always thought the Packers front office, overlooked the defensive line.  We are not loaded, but maybe the Packers will have some new faces to contribute?

Kenny Clark     6'3" - 314 lbs - Year 6

Jack Heflin     6'3" - 304 lbs - Rooke

Carlo Kemp     6'3" - 281 lbs - Rookie

Tyler Lancaster     6'3" - 313 lbs - Year 4

Dean Lowry     6'6" - 296 lbs - Year 6

Willington Previlon     6'5" - 287 lbs - Year 1

TJ Slaton     6'4" - 330 lbs - Rookie

Kingsley Keke   6'3" - 288 lbs - Year 3

Josh Avery     6'3" - 318 lbs - Year 1

Our "Blue Chipper" Kenny Clark has needed help! Tyler Lancaster & Dean Lowry have been "Blue Collar" players the last few years,  but to me are part timers at best.  Could new comer, TJ Slaton be that PLUG in the middle that will take up space & take up two blockers that they have needed when they struggle against the run???  At 6'4" - 330 lbs we hope!

Kingsley Keke is not practicing yet, but the past two years has earning playing time!  Again, a nice player for depth, but not a difference maker!

Young players, Heflin, Avery, Previlon, & Kemp will be fighting for a roster spot. 

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