Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Matthews Signed for Six Years!

One piece of the puzzle is in place!  Clay Matthews is a Packer for 6 more years!!!  Check out the article on his contract at - Clay Matthews Contract Article!

Details were not available, but the Packers were able to front load it, so Clay will get a lot of $$$$$ this year!  He was due around 3 million and will get much more this year!  That will free money the next 5 years for other players.

As far as the Packer defense, this piece of the puzzle is critical.  When you watch the Packers warm up, Matthews and his energy are evident!  That part of the Packer D now needs complement, so an offense cannot double team Matthews!  What are the keys?

1 - Nick Perry - he must be a force on the opposite side of the defense!

2 - Tramon Williams & other corner(whoever that will be) must shut down outside receivers!

3 - Need a push in the middle - BJ Raji & help needed

4 - Safety help - Is Burnett & whoever wins other safety able to stop big plays (Run or Pass)!

5 - DRAFT - must have an IMPACT player!  Whatever position they choose!!

Draft NEXT week!  Here we go!  Need to sign Rogers soon!

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