Friday, May 2, 2014

Packer Special Team Players - Punter - Kicker - Long Snapper!

OK, first a comment from an old timer!  THESE GUYS USED TO BE FOOTBALL PLAYERS!

When I was growing up, my first view of a kicker or punter was, they were just a wide receiver or an offensive lineman that punted or kicked!  NO MORE!  Now we even have a guy on every team that just snaps the football for punts or kicks!

First, you usually do not draft these guys!  They are picked up after the draft!

Little trivia - In last last 20 years, the highest punter was drafted in round 3!
2012 - Bryan Anger  - Jaguars
2005 - Dustin Colquitt - Chiefs
2004 - BJ Sander - Packers!!!!!
1997 - Brad Maynard - Giants
1993 - Harold Alexander - Falcons

Ray Guy in 1973 was the first punter EVER selected in Round 1!!! By the Raiders!

Punter - Tim Masthay
Ranked 21st in Net Yards
Blocked punts - ZERO
64 Punts 22 inside the Twenty Yard Line

Here is a Punter Ranking which ranks all players & Punters B/R NFL 2013 Punter Ranking:
Masthay was ranked 26th out of 32 punters!

We may need to look at some competition at Punter!
Some top Punters out of College for 2014?
Kirby Van Der Kamp, Iowa State
Pat O'Donnell, Miami
Cody Webster, Purdue

Mason Crosby has a much better season!!!
Mason Crosby was ranked 12th last year in the B/R Kicker Ranking!
But why not bring in a kicker just to get the focus!

Long Snapper - Brett Goode

Checkout the 2013 NFL Long Snapper List!

In a perfect world - NO bad snaps, No missed kicks, and No BAD Punts!

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