Sunday, September 7, 2014

Are The Packers As Bad As They Looked In A 36-16 Loss to Seattle?

It was not the way to start a season!  A humbling defeat to last years Super Bowl Champs!  So, where do the Packers go from here?

I was really amazed at the poor effort:
3-more injuries

Let's take injuries first:
Missing before game - JC Tretter Center & BJ Raji nose guard.  If you believe in building strength from the middle out, this is critical.  Tretter, looked OK, but has not started a game.  He is hurt, Lindsley, a PURE rookie starts in the first game, against Super Bowl champs, in the loudest building in NFL!  I thought he really wasn't too bad, but had to change the game plan.

Bulaga goes down early, and Sherrod was shaky!  Feel bad for Bulaga, last three years a disaster!  Sherrod #1 pick 2011, Bulaga #1 pick 2010. WOW!  NOT GOOD!  Rogers, TE, a rookie starting(NOT GOOD) gets hurt early!

Brad Jones is not that great at ILB, and has been hurt.  We are really stressed at Inside Linebacker!

OK, defense.  This years team. d-line all new starters - Jones, Daniels, & Guion.  More athletic, but raw!  Against the Seahawks, had issues against the rust(Lynch over 100 yards) & NO PASS rush, or even push!  Peppers, new to the system.  Hyde & Clinton-Dix, new to starting and Ha Ha just a rookie!  Defense should get better!

Offense.  WOW! Really embarrassed!  Rogers(and McCarthy DID not throw 1, I SAID 1 PASS IN SHERMAN"S AREA!  NO GUTS!  And now Sherman is even cockier!  Did you see his comment to Rogers after the game!  Rogers looked like a little boy at the play ground who just got his ass kicked by the school bully!  NO passes even tried to to right side ALL NIGHT!  That is one on one on the right, and that leaves the 49ers with 6 defenders covering 5 Packer eligible receivers!

No running game!  No passing game.  And turnovers.  Not a great offensive start.  The Seahawks do have the BEST D in the league, so too early to panic (I think!)

2 - Coaching?  Wow!  This has me worried the MOST!  All year to plan attacking Seahawks & NOT very creative!  Tried to establish the Rush, just was not happening.  Therefore, play action passes are not effective!  Cobb & Nelson had some success, but not enough.  McCarthy at times looked like a deer in headlights.  No rhythm established.  First two drives were OK, but not easy!  
Packer Drives
#1 - Punt
#2 - Punt (But, Seahawks fumbled)
#3 - TD (But, after fumble, got ball on Seattle 34!)
#4 - Field Goal - Was their first good drive
#5 - Punt  End of first half!
#6 - Interception!!
#7 - Gave up on downs at Seattle 41 - giving them good field position
#8 - Packers give up safety!
#9 - TD - Was second good drive!
#10 - Punt

So, 2 of 10 drives were good.  BUT, interception, a safety, on downs, cannot give 
the Super Bowl champs anything!

Hope they figure a few things out for next week!

OK, let's move on!  Weather for Sunday in Green Bay - High 63 - Low 49,
20 % chance of rain.  Wind 9 mph.  

With 16 games, EVERY GAME is important!  WE NEED TO BEAT THE JETS!

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