Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Time For Packer Fans To Focus On The Panthers!

Carolina Panthers!  In my first research of our next opponent, all I did was check the Panther's schedule to see some crazy results!  Look below and see what you think!

Game 1 - Panthers 20 - Bucs 14
Not much in this game.  Bucs are bad, first game of the year, and to early to see a trend!

Game 2 - Panthers 24 - Lions 7
This tells me a lot!!!  The Panthers are dangerous!  Remember how bad we looked against the Lions!

Game 3 - Steelers 37 - Panthers 19
OK, now I am beginning to see a trend!  The Panthers are going to be difficult to figure out!

Game 4 - Ravens 38 - Panthers 10
Two bad games in a row!  A lot of points given up & not many points scored!

Game 5 - Panthers 31 - Bears 24
They can beat the Bears & so did the Pack!

Games 6 - Panthers 37 - Bengals 37 A TIE!
The Bengals defense is good!  The Panthers scored 37!  Uh Oh!

So, my first look at the Panthers, I see a dangerous and inconsistent team!  Who will show up this weekend against the Pack?

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