Thursday, September 29, 2016

A Last Look At The Packers - Lions Game

As I said earlier, the Packer Buddies attended the game this week and that gives you another perspective that television and media cannot give you. Some feelings:

1 - The Packers offense can be dangerous.  But, Mike McCarthy can slow it down!  The difference between the first half and second half was amazing!  I still think, the Pack needs to be Pass 1st, and Run 2nd.  When teams play the Pack, the first thought has to be Aaron Rodgers.  Take him away on first & second down is NOT SMART!  Jordy is back, Eddie is back, Cook is hurt, Cobb looked average, Davis dropped an easy one, Montgomery was invisible, Stark was not used much, Abbrederis was he even there?  So, the offense is back, but it seems the only way to stop it is Mike McCarthy!

2 - The Packers defense was adequate.  The D was VERY fortunate in the first half!  A fumble take away, a missed field goal, and making the Lions earn the yards(except for the big play by Lions wide receiver Jones).  Five starters out!  The BIG NEED is pass rush and the PUSH!  Missing Datone Jones & Leroy Guion was BIG!  Matthews, Shields & Burnett was BIG! IF, and I say IF, the Packers get healthy & stay healthy, the defense will be fine!  And maybe even GOOD!

3 - Packers Fans CAN boo!  McCarthy playing calling, brought out some BOO's!  You can milk the clock with a short passing game!  A completion allows the clock to move!  Will be interesting to see what the play calling will be for the next 13 games!

A drive chart:

The Packers 10 drives?

2 - End of half & End of game
6 - scores - 4 TD's & 2 FG's
2 - Punts

So, throw out the 2 end of half & game, that is 8 drives, and. the Pack scored on 6 of the first!!  That is good, in fact, that is VERY GOOD!  The last 2, ended in punts!  Overall, a great day for the offense!

The Lions 9 drives?

5 - scores, 4 TD's & 1 FG
1 - missed FG
2 - punts
1 - interception

The score at the end of the half was a gift!  The young DB, just made a mistake that a high school kid should NEVER make!  It seems, with all the injuries, and young players, Capers played a conservative game, trying to protect the young players.  It worked, but was CLOSE!  Most teams in the NFL would struggle playing defense with 5 starters out!  The Packers struggled!

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