Monday, December 6, 2021

Winning in the NFL?

 In the last 100 years of the NFL, winning has changed?  It has gone from a SPRINT to a MARATHON!  

From 8-12 games in the early days to 14, to 16, now 17 games in the regular season.  The playoffs have expanded, from two teams to the present 14 teams!  

Players playing on both offense & defense and doing the punting & kicking, to specialists!  A long snapper ONLY!  A punter ONLY!  A kicker ONLY!  

Players taking the off season to do a second job, sell cars, work for a company, or just hang out (IF, they were lucky!)  Now, players train & lift weights ALL year long!  

Before 1970 there was NO minimum salary, in 1970 the minimum salary was $9000 - in 2021 it is $660,000! (By the way, I am a retired educator, started in education at $7700.  If my salary went up at the NFL rate (73 times), I would have retired at $562,100!)  So, in my lifetime, an NFL player went from an average American, to a wealthy American!  

As you can see, in the past 100 years, a professional football player is at a new level!  So, how does that change the way a team wins in the NFL?

1 - Stay healthy!  It is a marathon!  Are you able to stay healthy for August to February?? 5-6 months!

2 - Salary Cap - how is the $$$$$ divided up among the 50-60 players!

3 - Quarterback Play - You need a GREAT ONE or a Quarterback that will not make stupid mistakes!

4 - Turnovers!  DO NOT DO IT!

5 - Coaching? Year ago, control & basics - today - moving to a players coach & creativity!

6 - Depth & making moves during the season.  As we started health is a concern, so, a second string player, that is ready to go, is critical!  And, picking up a free agent or another teams practice squad player, is imperative!

7 - Team - does the team have IT?  Chemistry, leadership, and, do they have each others back???

Let's look at the top tams in the NFL now:

NFC - Arizona, Green Bay, Tampa Bay & Dallas

AFC - Kansas City, Baltimore, New England, & Tennessee

All have IT!  Quarterbacks, players, coaching, ......  How will this all finish???  Time will tell!

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