Saturday, June 28, 2014

Someone is Watching the 2014 Packer Defense!

The NFL website had an interesting look at the 2014 Packer Defense - have a read at:

Making the Leap: Packers' Datone Jones, Mike Daniels

First, and article talking about the Packer Defense - NOT the Packer Offense!  Wow!

Second, Mike Daniels name mentioned again!

And Third, Datone Jone, last years #1 pick!

Let's start with Datone Jones.  High expectations, BUT, those nagging Packer injuries.  Injured his foot early, but showed signs during the season of a difference maker.

In the article, Mike McCarthy, usually tight lipped, said Jones was nearly "un-blockable" in OTA's.  McCarthy is not always one to talk up his players.

Julius Peppers influence?  I like it!  First, hopefully Peppers has a lot of gas left in the tank and can lead by example.  Second, hopefully Datone will stay right next to Peppers all day and keep his eyes on him will he is on the field!

And, second year players will at times make huge jumps!  Stay healthy, learn from an old pro, and play like a #1 draft pick!

And again Mike Daniels, his name has come up again!  Mike Daniels has sounded like me from the stands!  The passed few years, as the Packer Buddies watch from the stands, the Packer defense has lacked an enforcer!  An intimidator!
Matthews has the energy & flash!  Hawk seems to keep the defense on it's toes.  But, big hits!  A nasty attitude has been lacking!  Maybe Daniels can not only talk tough, but be tough!  AT LEAST HE IS TRYING!  Change the image!  Bring an attitude!  Show some CRAZINESS!


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