Saturday, June 1, 2013

100 Days to Packers First Game!

100 Days to go!  First game, Sunday, September 8th against the San Fransisco 49ers!! At the 49er's!  Is it too early to predict?  Nah!!!!  Here we go:

First quarter
Packers draw first blood!  The Pack mixes the run and pass with the rookies Lacy & Franklin sharing the duties at running back and Rogers hitting Jones, Nelson, Cobb & Finley as they move quickly down the field!  Finley scores on a play action pass from Rogers after a beautiful fake, Finley scores over the middle on a rocket by Rogers!
The Packer defense harasses Kapernick & Datone Jones records his first sack!  Heyward intercepts a pass and runs it in for six!  Score after first quarter, Packer 14 - 49ers 0!

Second Quarter
The Pack continues to hold down the 49ers, their only score comes from a field goal.  The Pack turns to the running game and Kuhn scores from the one, after an 8 minute drive!  Score at the end of the half, Packers 21 - 49ers 3!

Third Quarter
49ers drive to the 30, but the drive stalls when Williams knocks down pass thrown to Boldin.  49ers kick another field goal.  On the Packers first possession of the half, two quick first downs, first Lacy rumbles for twelve and then Nelson catches a 11 years slant.  On a first down from the 45, Rogers hits Cobb on a perfectly thrown out & up!  Packers go up 28 to 6!

Fourth Quarter
The fourth quarter is a punters duel, with both teams playing great defense.  The 49ers score a TD during the last 2 minutes against a Packer defense that played well all game!  Final score, Packers 28 - 49ers 13.  Packers rookies Lacy, Franklin, & Jones play well.  Nick Perry shows promise.  And, the Packer offense line switch looks good, allowing just one sack!

OK, I know I'm a little pumped, but it is June!  And only 100 days till kick off!!!!!

GO!  PACK!!  GO!!

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