Monday, March 30, 2015

Looks Like The Packers Have Two Nose Guards Signed!

As of March 30, 2015, the depth chart at nose guard is looking a lot better!  Leroy Guion & BJ Raji are close to signing in year deals!  Raji - 3.5 million for one year & Guion - 2.75 million for one year.
The final details will show us what this does to our Packer salary cap.

As of today, without Raji & Guion salaries - Packers are 6th in cap room at $21,887,985.

So, if my numbers are close - the Pack will have about $15,000,000 left.  And I say,
sign John Kuhn!!!!

What do I like about the deal?

1 - It is a one year deal!  Why is that good you say?  BJ Raji needs to prove himself & stay healthy!  Leto Guion cannot be caught with cash, Marajuna, & a gun!!!!!

2 - Their age is good - Raji at 28 and Guion at 27!

3 - And I REALLY think, if healthy & focused, this is a good 1-2 punch inside for run support!!!!

So, time will tell!  Both players have something too prove!  So, PROVE IT!

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