Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Packer Roster Constantly Changing

Here is the 53 players as of September 30, 2015:

OK, let's start on offense - QB - Rodgers, Tolzien & Hundley.  Same as we started the year, and still looking awesome!!!

RB - Lacy, Starks, & Harris.  Overall, a good start, but not great.  Hovering around 100 yards combined for the 3 games.  Lacy, a bad ankle hanging tough, but not 100%.  Starks has been a great back up as usual!  And Harris, had one great run on one carry against the Chiefs!  

FB - Kuhn & Ripkowski.  Looks like we have a keeper in Ripkowski.  His special teams play has been very good & Kuhn is still Kuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhn!  

WR - Did you know we are missing Jordy?  We kept 5 - Cobb, Adams, James, Montgomery & Janis.
Wow!  Again, awesome pick up with James Jones, at least on TD in every game so far!  Cobb is playing great.  Adams started OK, but another ankle sprain!  Good news, Montgomery is looking good!  Even Janis is getting time & looking great on special teams!

Offensive Line - we kept 9, and that was good.  Barclay is filling in at right tackle for injured Bulaga, who will be back.  The rest of the line, Bakhtiari, Lang, Sitton, Lindsley & Barclay are playing well.  QB-Rodgers is able to do his thing!  Backups Walker, Tretter, & Taylor are ready to go!

So, offense is looking good!

We are 6 deep at safety - Burnett, Clinton-Dixx, Hyde, Banjo, Richardson,  and Gunter.  Burnett has missed 2 of 3 games and is the leader of our D!  I think, with Morgan playing every game, our D would have beed even better & finished better!  Clinton-Dixx continues to improve!(How about that hit in the Chiefs game! I'm still made he was penalized!  Hyde is playing all over the place & Richardson is looking good!

Cornerbacks - Shields, Hayward, Goodson, Randall & Rollins.  Again, play has been good & many different crazy Capers defenses, using a lot of people! Starters Shields & Hayward are playing well.  Number one draft pick, Randall playing a lot & looking good!

Inside Linebackers - Matthews (looks like he will be there for a long time) Palmer, Ryan, & Thomas are getting playing time with the loss of Barrington!  Palmer is now beside Matthews.  Love watching Matthews fly side line to side line!  Palmer seems quicker than Barrington. And rookie Ryan is playing great on special teams!  The new pick up, Joe Thomas, played game 3 against the Chiefs and looked very quick & athletic!

Outside Linebackers - Peppers, Neal, Perry, Elliot, & Mulumba.  With Matthews playing more inside, this position is critical!!!!  Peppers still has a lot of gas in the tank!  Neal & Perry are playing well - they NEED to!!!!  Elliot, is gaining time and producing!  HE may be the missing link!

Defensive Line - Guion is back!  D. Jones, Raji, Daniels, Pennel, & Gaston.  Boyd is done for the year.  Raji is playing like the young Raji!  Daniels is playing AWESOME!  And Jones, Pennel, & Gaston provide the depth!  Will Guion help change this to a VERY good front? Time will tell!

MY GUT SAYS,  if they stay healthy, this D may be special by December!

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