Monday, August 26, 2019

Packer Time Out: The Andrew Luck Retirement

OK, let us take a moment to move outside our Packer World and discuss the reaction to the
Andrew Luck Retirement.

Now, if you are reading this, have you ever had to make a BIG decision?  Buy a house, leave a job to start a new job, ask someone to marry you, maybe retirement??  How many people did it have an impact on, 3, 4, ......??  Now magnify your decision 50,000, 100,000, or 2-3 million fans??  And, remember what the word "fan" is short for - "FANATIC"!

My comments:

1 - Football Fans are not normal people!  Especially, at the beginning of the year!  Fans are ready!!  Some fans are season ticket holders, have 20 hats of their team & 10 t-shirts!  They set aside a day for their team.  They travel to see their team.  They may even get married in the stadium (I was present at one in Green Bay!)  Therefore, the booing, or the tweets, during the first 24 hours are not really important.  Give them time!

2 - News Leaks!  Not only does our own government have "leak issues", sports teams & players have issues with leaks!  This is NOT a good societal thing!!

3 - An athlete and the MENTAL & PHYSICAL approach to the sport!  It is VERY difficult to fight physical issues for many years!  And, to be mentally ready is of equal importance.  My example, as a retired educator?  To step in that classroom every day for 1-0, 20, 30 years takes mental strength!  And, at times, it is NOT easy and..... for some a time to leave the classroom.  To be a superior athlete you need BOTH mental & physical excellence!

4 - Your personal physical & mental health comes first!!  Andrew Luck is a VERY smart young man! He is planning for the next 40 to 50 years!  You need to make decisions that are sometimes best for you!

5 - And, last family!  If Andrew Luck is healthy & happy - his family will be healthy & happy!  A wife & children always should come before, job or team.

So, Andrew Luck, enjoy your retirement from football!  I'm sure another career is around the corner!

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